ANNS support for COVID-19

Dear respected seniors, friends and families,

As all of us are coping with the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic, we hope everyone is staying safe and following general health guidelines.  We can’t stress enough that the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. So, please practice recommended measures including keeping a safe distance “Social Distancing” while interacting with others amongst other things to protect you and your family’s health in this fragile situation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global health crisis and also impacted our lives in upstate New York.  As a Nepalese society working for the welfare of Nepali community living in upstate New York, ANNS is highly committed in providing necessary support to all Nepalese living in and around Albany.

In this pandemic situation, if any family is quarantined or facing challenges due to COVID-19 and need help, please contact below listed ANNS members for necessary support!

You may contact any individual listed below or other board members you may be in contact, if you need any help/support.

  1. Yukta Timalsina –(518) 852-3747
  2. Jeevan Gurung- (973) 647-4774
  3. Bawan Karna-(518) 337-1903
  4. Laxmi P Baral-(718) 704-8862
  5. Achyut Lamichhane –(518) 986-9537
  6. Binod Thapa-(518) 334-4318
  7. Samir Thapa-(518) 281-2107
  8. Krishna Devkota- (518) 626-1104


ANNS has separated a fund of $5000 to help COVID-19 affected families. This fund is allocated by the ANNS Board to help with the much-needed assistance for the affected families.

This will include;

  1. Up to $300 worth of groceries and other essential items to the COVID-19 affected ANNS members’ family and $100 worth items to non-members’ families.
  2. ANNS has also mobilized a COVID-19 Swat team in arranging the necessary purchase and delivery of essential items to the quarantined family.

COVID-19 Swat team Contact:

Lekhnath Gautam- +1 (646) 338-6073
Churamani Gaire- (518) 930-1774.

If anyone is interested in donating to fight against COVID-19, Please contact ANNS treasurer- Achyut Lamichhane for more details.

We wish everyone health, patience, and strength during this difficult time.


Albany New York Nepalese Society

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