Message from the President

Dear community members,

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your continued support to Albany New York Nepalese Society (ANNS) and its activities and for entrusting a very dynamic team of highly motivated and active people as board members of the community. It is an incredible honor and privilege to be ANNS president for the years 2023-2025. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the board members of the executive committee for getting elected for the next two years to continue ANNS programs and activities effectively and efficiently.

ANNS has been established as a non-profit organization to unite people of Nepalese origin, those interested in Nepalese culture residing in the capital region, to promote and preserve Nepalese culture and traditions, to establish and foster cordial relations with other local, national and international organizations and many more. Over the past eight years we have been very successful in achieving many of our goals and still more need to be done to promote Nepali culture, foster the relationships with the community and its members and to educate our children and youth to Nepali culture and traditions and to pass them down to our youngsters. ANNS has been a family away from the family and it will continue running programs/activities to strengthen ties and to spread help and kindness among the community members. As unity is extremely powerful than individuality I highly encourage Nepalese people living in the capital region to be united in ANNS and I am very confident that we will achieve far more together than individually.

I thank previous presidents, officers and members for their contribution to the welfare of the society and its members. Once again, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and your active participation which I believe will continue and grow in coming years. I anticipate active engagement and participation of community members to ANNS activities and programs which will help to boost up the organization to the next level in the years to come.

Thank you,
Dr. Yukta Timalsina
Albany New York Nepalese Society