
Albany New York Nepalese Society (ANNS) is currently looking for dynamic volunteers, as well as new members to support our organization. Since its inception, we are extending our interest to all the Nepalese living in the Capital Region Area to come join us. 

Why Join:

All of us need to come together and support the organization by leveraging community membership as well as volunteering to support our community events, fundraising cause and drive planned activities.

As we begin our membership drive, It’s now time to become ANNS member for the year 2074 (Nepali calendar year).

Membership Options: 

Membership Type Membership fee Option Explained
 Single member over 18 years older $25.00 Membership flat rate for the year 2074 (Nepali calendar year)

Member Benefits:

  • You will have right to vote and run for election of ANNS executive committee.
  • You will be able to attend ANNS hosted annual picnic for Free.
  • You will be able to take advantage of reduced members rates to the ANNS hosted events.
  • You will be able to enroll your kids to Nepali class every summer.
  • You will have Opportunities to network with other members.
  • You will Receive advance notice of all the cultural events and ANNS activities

Membership renewals are accepted in person or by mailing the check:

  • Pay to one of the committee members who live closest to your location
  • Pay to one of the committee members while coming to Nepali language class with your kids
  • Pay on the spot during Picnic day (August 13th, 2017) or

Send a check of $25 each member (check payable to: Albany New York Nepalese Society) to following address:
1651 Tibbits Avenue
Troy, NY

Disabled for now——Register by following Join Now Link  to go to the Registration Page to create a new membership account

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